Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I was SO happy being able to see you on Skype last night, seeing you on video somehow makes you being gone a little easier.

Thank you for getting MIND FREAK for me, I LOVE that man lol as soon as I turn twenty one I'm seeing him LIVE. I'm taking you and mom with me.

BY the WAY.....seeing you put in your tongue ring made me decide, I'm NOT getting any other piercings besides earrings. By one o' clock tonight (Maybe earlier) my book will be DONE! I know you won't be able to read my blogs for much longer, just know I WILL continue blogging that way you can read them when you can.

AS goes for the picture folder with my twilight stuff..I found it and LOVED it!

One of my favorite pictures.

I'm SUPER happy for you Lea and Boo, you made your big sister VERY proud of you. Congratulations on the win. You have NO idea how excited I am to read your book. IN PRINT! Good job girls. Mom, THANK YOU for pushing me, if you wouldn't have, I would have NEVER made my goal. I love you.


I can't wait to see what your sending in the mail, I can't wait for Christmas, most of all I can't wait to hug you super tight and see you and mom bond again, You two are amazing parents. I love and miss you, hurry home. STAY SAFE!



Well, I made my word count goal which I thought I'd NEVER make. Better news is, tomorrow my book will be complete.

I worked SO hard to get this far, I wouldn't have had to work as hard if I would have known it would be so hard to write a book in thirty days, I wouldn't have been on my gaming site. I have missed my friends, I'm sure they have missed me as well, doing this book has been so important to me.

It's possibly my career, this book could be my start. The beginning of a long, joyful amazing career. I LOVE writing, let me tell you something, doing this book in thirty days has been a PAIN IN MY BUTT!

Not because I don't love it, I DO trust me, but for the beginning of the month I was pretty much non existent when it came to my mind being on my "job".

I can't wait to see my name in print, to hold a book in my hands that I wrote. I can't wait to see my mom and dads faces when they finish reading my book.

I can't wait to read my book and ENJOY it, as if someone else wrote it. Grandpa is working with me on designing my book cover, mom helped me come up with the IDEA of the cover, the hardest part was left up to me, writing a 25,000 word book or bigger in one month.


I love and miss you, you'd better stay safe. Remember we're waiting your return, remember on Christmas WE LOVE you and we're thinking about you. Remember when the times get tough, I'm proud of you. I can't wait to have you home. I miss your hugs and jokes. You are an amazing man, I LOVE YOU! Your a true hero, your a true dad.

Anyone can be a father, it takes a real, special man to be a dad. You are my perfect dad.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New pictures

First off I'd like to say, HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAD! Next, I know I was upset mom about us not being able to spend Thanksgiving with each other but I understand and CAN'T wait to see what dad is getting us for Christmas. Here are a few more new pics grandma gave us girls. These were taken about two weeks before Halloween.

Grandpa being goofy, after he burned his arm while at the concession stand.

My sister Lea.

Me and monkey Boo, I love her so much.

The little monkey.

Lea and monkey Boo, look and act SO much alike.

Our cat Nosey.

My sisters and I.


Lea takes AMAZING pictures, of course some of them I took. I think we all love photography. I also LOVE writing, which I have about eight(Almost only 7) days left in my book, I have 17,240 words At the moment.

ALSO today while writing and singing I had ANOTHER idea for a book, I wrote down the quick reminder and went back to the book I'm working on right now.

Soon here it will be Thanksgiving, so I'm doing this tonight instead of tomorrow since mom will be away all day.

Mom, thank you for bringing me into this world, and bringing my amazing sisters into the world. I'm thankful most for my amazing, full family. My sisters, mom, hero dad, grandparents and aunt.


I love and miss you, thank you for everything you have done and everything you have agreed to do. You took on three kids you didn't have to, you wanted to, you are THE best man in the world. If the guys I date when I'm older aren't even HALF as great as you, they aren't worth my time. You are an amazing person. Happy Thanksgiving my wonderful dad.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

St. louis trip

SO I promised you all pictures of my St. Louis trip as soon as I got pics on my computer, well here they are, I'm going to show you the pictures and tell small made up stories with them. Here we go. REMEMBER THESE ARE MADE UP STORIES!

The arch.

My sisters and me.

My sisters and me touching the arch.

Inside the museum by a REAL stuffed  bear.

My sisters, grandpa and me.


Picture one is where the short young girl we picked up was born. You'll see her later. She talks sweet and funny. We picked her up from a monkeys exhibition.

Picture two shows the sweet monkey girl, my weird unidentified sister from mars and me on the steps of the Arch/ monkey exhibition steps.

Picture three shows my unidentified sister from mars, the sweet monkey girl and me touching the arch/ monkey place the monkey girl was born.

Picture four is us girls by a bear....The bear is clearly trying to pounce on me and monkey girl.

Picture five is us girls and some weird old dude we picked up on the street on the way to monkey girls home....We were standing in front on an old wheel, which is a lost wheel from the old mans uncles boat that the old man has only seen one other time in his life, or rather his past life. Other than talking like a robot the old man is pretty normal, or as normal as he can get.

These stories were made up, YES my sister CAN BE identified, we just act like my sweet sister Lea is unidentified because shes REALLY weird. My monkey boo sister, well that tells you, my sister acts like a monkey, monkey girl LOL.

The old man(My grandpa) is weird and funny, I LOVE YOU GRANDPA it was just me messin around. I love you.


I thought you would like seeing us girls at the arch. It was an awesome day for us, I wish you and mom could have been there, but mom was with you and you had to be back at the post that day. I love and miss you, night dad.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas is coming

I know a lot of people won't believe in this post, so before I start, I warn grandma, you won't like it.

Now, here we go. This time of year is the time to be thankful for everything you have and know that the things you don't have isn't a worry.

Thanksgiving is about giving love and food and things people need so badly like clothing. The material of things isn't what the holidays are about, and yes religion is part of it, but not enough to ACTUALLY NOT celebrate it. Now every person has their own belief on Christmas and so fourth. But is religion a STRONG enough thing to keep the family from coming together closer than they are all year?

I personally don't think so. Religion is the belief in WHAT god exists, that's it. I'm a Christian, nothing will change this. But I don't let MY faith or MY belief get ahead of me. I allow others to believe how they want.

I think ALL religions agree when I say, Whatever god is real, we know there IS a god, we know he keeps us safe and brings us the good things that come to us in our lives. God is a strong spirit who was capable of bringing my mom, sisters and I together with my grandparents, aunt and amazing dad.

I'm thankful for a lot this year. I have an amazing new dad who cares for us and is amazing beyond belief. I have my mom who is an angel in every sense of the word. Her smile is heart warming her hugs are comforting and the way she looks at life is wonderful.

My wonderfully amazing sisters are so sweet and make me laugh when I feel like crying. They are true mini mommy's (What I mean by that is they are amazing people like my mom.) I'm thankful for my grandparents, I have never truly had grandparents before, It's a whole new experience having a full happy family.

Christmas in our family is a bit awkward now, my grandparents and aunt don't celebrate it, but my mom, sisters, dad and I do. I hope for our sake this year grandma and grandpa will at least acknowledge the fact that my mom sisters and I celebrate it and enjoy the day. It's not REALLY about the gifts, It's the thought and the bringing together part that I enjoy.

We do go somewhat big, but not REALLY big on Christmas, just some gifts to show the love that flows, the food to celebrate our family's coming together and big smiles all day. I love seeing my sisters faces on the very special day.


I wish you were here with us through the holidays, and in a way you will be, you'll be in each one of our thoughts through out the days. As always. I love and miss you very much. Stay safe and make it home as soon as you can. I can't wait for the amazing fairytale wedding up ahead in the near future. I also can't wait to spend the holidays with ALL of my family. I love you.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Singing and my book

I love singing I love my sisters voices.
I love the fact that mom will be allowing me to sing at her wedding, I'm a little nervous and think I still need loads of practice to hit the notes I need to hit on that certain song.

Dad and grandma I know you will be asking me what song I'm singing, guess what, I'M NOT TELLING. It's a secret unless mom tells you. This is the big fairytale wedding she deserves.

So Lea and I have been singing today, all kinds of female songs. The best one we sound good at together would have to be "Here for the party" By Gretchen Wilson. Mom HATES that girls voice, but Lea and I can hit her pretty well together.

Along with singing I've been working my BUTT off on my book. So far It's going according to my plan, a few changes have been made here and there. My villain was supposed to have been my main characters friend, it turned out Kathlyn (my main character) said NO! I don't want to be her friend.

Yeah I know what your thinking "Your character told you something?" Yes she did. You see a character that you make up, has her own personality, rather its the personality you WANTED him/ her to have or not. My book has taken small spins I didn't think it would take. BUT I think It's going to make it a better book.

Tonight will be a rather short night I still have loads of writing to do. I'm going to post a few tags I did a couple of days ago that I haven't shown yet. BTW mom, I've stayed out of pogo and PSP :).

Cute little bears.

Mom and dads love is unlimited. Someone once said on pogo "Why do you tell me the sky is the limit when their are footsteps on the moon?"

Missing you dad.


I Love and Miss you dad, hang tight we love you and are waiting for your return. Thank you for making my mom, sisters and I so happy. They truly deserve it. Goodnight dad I love you.


Saturday, November 19, 2011


Very short night tonight, I still have LOADS of writing to do to get caught up to where I should be. I only have twelve days to get 13 thousand words or so. I need to do about three thousand a day, or more.

Silly Goofy him, he makes us smile and laugh so much, LOVE YOU DAD!

Military life is hard. We're making it though, together.

You are so awesome, BALDY lol.

So These are two that I did today and one I did yesterday. I wont have big blogs again until after I write my book, I will have blogs, only it'll be short ones.


Everything is going fine here, I love and miss you, Stay safe and remember, Saddam's mustard fart ;). LOL or just grandpas. I love you, stay safe. OH YEA! one more pic, this one is for Lea.

Here is your man Lea.

Yeah, I've been playing around lol Love you family.  THANK YOU mom for pushing me so hard to do my book, I may not like the deadline but I know in the end it will be worth it.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Tonight I have a pogo party to throw for one of my girl friends. TWILIGHT came out in theaters EARLY this morning, like 12:01. My dad is officially in Afghanistan It stinks. I miss him so much.

Our hero and the strongest most beautiful woman standing behind him.

Their love is forever.

Cute bear eh?

I LOVE my paint program I get to make beautiful pictures EXTRAVAGANT. I Loved the pictures of mom and dad already, They just needed a saying and frame. I did the bear especially for them because they are amazing parents, partners and role models. This night is going to be VERY short, the longest part will be for my dad.


I love and miss you, you'd better stay safe and pay attention, I'd hate to have to go over there and kill some people and kick your BUTT. You are an amazing dad, you're there for us when we need you, YOU and the other service members and our flag stand for our freedom, rights, and lives. You are saving me, my sisters, my mom, my friends and everyone else in this amazing country.

You are strong and wonderful. You are silly. You are a fighter and a lover, you are a family man and a true hero. If someone were to ask me who my hero was, I'd tell them my dad, you fight for us. If they were to ask what disease I'd cure, it would be cancer.

You give the scientists a chance to make medicines to cure this disease. I love you, you are a special man, dad, husband, soldier and hero. Thank you and the other soldiers in your group, thank you all soldiers,marines and other military people.

I love you and miss you dad come home safe.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


I don't really know WHAT to blog about tonight, my mind is on getting my book done, edited and printed. Tonight will be rather short, I just wanted to blog for my dad. So I've been playing more with tags, I'm showing three new ones.

Being bad comes naturally in our family, dirty minds lol.

Elvis bear, so cute, one of my favorites.

Mom and dad are perfect for each other, their love for each other is more every day.

I thought they are SO cute, I thank you mom for showing me how to make the bears do these cute things. Tonight I got over 10 thousand words, and I'm going to continue to write tonight, pogo can wait tonight. I'll be happy to get two thousand more tonight. Tomorrow Breaking Dawn comes out in theaters, I wonder when it will be released on dvd.

I'll probably work in psp on and off tonight, authors need breaks too. I feel like I'm truly meant to do this, writing is my passion, writing a book in a month is hard, but it can be done. My work schedule starts from after I eat lunch until usually after dinner, tonight it will be until bedtime.

I love writing and believe I can make 15 thousand words before the end of the month. If I do at least two thousand words a day, I'll make it. It was SO exciting to see 10,021 words. Its SO exciting.


I love and miss you very much, you are an awesome guy and I know you will come home. We wait for you with open arms and love and pride. I thank you for being the dad you dont have to be, I thank you for serving our country and making it free. I love you.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tags tags and more tags

I'm learning more about my paint program everyday, today mom taught me how to make them breathe and their eyes blink so, instead of showing you my three oldest tonight, I'm showing you my first two I did AND a new one I just did tonight.

My first ever tag.

My second tag I made.

Breathing and blinking bear I made tonight.

Okay, what did you think? Ive gotten better I think. 2 DAYS before MY movie comes out in theaters I CANT WAIT! Breaking Dawn part 1, Jacob and Renesemee/Nessy, what a SIGHT that will be lol.

At our house my sisters and mom are HUGE twilight fans, we have 1 Jacob fan, me. My mom and sister Lea are team Edward, and my sister Monkey Boo says "Team Bella cuz shes a human and don't do nothing."

Mom and grandma have been looking at fonts for us PSP addicts all night. For those of you who have NO idea what PSP is, It's the paint program me, my mom and grandma are into. Tonight will be a rather short night for I want to continue to do more tags tonight.


I miss and love you very much, you are so amazing. I'm thinking about you and cant wait to have you home again. Sweet dreams when you go. Love you.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


There are all kinds of arts, martial arts, paintings, tags, writing, singing, dancing, acting and so much more, its all art. I write, sing and mess with tags in paint shop pro. Art is wonderful, it expresses the artist's feelings. I have 9,335 words in my book, 30 tags and I sing everyday. I love art, I love to sing, I love to write, and I love showing my feelings through my tags.

Today I'm showing my three newest tags, and tomorrow night I'm showing you my first three.

So cool.

Love is so sweet.

True love birds.

These are my three newest, I hope you all like them, the ones about love are for my mom and dad, and the cool kid one, is to all you kids who normally are called geeks or whatever else. You are really beautiful inside.

Art is all around us everyday, every minute we see a piece of art work that should stick in our brains.

When you see a news paper its art, someone took the time to write it, add the art work and make it good enough for public view. When you grab your favorite coffee mug, its art, usually it says something or has a picture/ painting of something on it, its art.

I enjoy looking at art, doing things like singing and writing most people wouldn't call art, I do, its a gift, its beautiful, its art.


I love and miss you, I can't wait to have you home from Afghanistan and I can't wait to see the new things you will bring back from over there. Stay safe. I'm proud of you, I'm proud to have you as a dad. Hurry home.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Views on polygamy and other views

Tonight I watched Sister wives, and for those of you who have no idea what sister wives are, It is a big family who are really sweet, one husband and four wives.

Everyone has their own view on different things, like polygamy. I believe as long as your like the sister wives, don't abuse the children, don't force each other into the relationship and the adults provide for the children then they have every right to have the relationship they feel is for them.

Its all about religion, I'm a Christian I believe what happens in an adults house/bedroom is up to them, not other people. My dad FIGHTS for these peoples rights to live how they see fit. I'm proud of him.

I wouldn't at this point, go into a polygamy marriage and I'm not lesbian. I however don't have a problem with gays/lesbians or polygamy marriages. Its their choice, its their right. The children in sister wives are well educated and they understand they don't have to be in a polygamy marriage their selves.

I believe people should back off of people like the Brown family, they are just like us only they love more than one person.

My dad fights for an amazing right like polygamy.

I myself have no problem with people like the Browns, or gays, lesbians etc. I also believe nineteen (soon to be 20) Kids and counting (the Duggars) Also have their right to continue having children as god lets them. Others have completely different views on this stuff, but I believe they have the right to do and live as they wish as long as #1 there is no abuse of any kind. #2 no one is being killed/forced into the issue. #3 Everyone is being treated and loved as they should.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, there's no way I could change anyone's views on something so big. I enjoy watching the Brown family and the Duggars on television and I encourage them to continue to do as they see fit for the life they want.


I love and miss you, Thank you for serving our country. Come home safe and sound and know I love you and we're waiting for your return.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Robot Grandpa

So today has been fun and long. The last couple of days grandpa has been a complete neat freak and expects the house to be SPARKLING clean, its annoying and funny. Today Lis and grandma went to Evansville Indiana for some church meeting thing, their there today and tomorrow.

For dinner grandpa cooked hot dogs and stuffing. After dinner us girls and grandpa stayed in the kitchen and goofed around, he was acting like a robot, go figure lol.
Two crazy men that I love. 

So Apparently the "Robot" Needs oil, and the oil is BEER. Grandpa kept saying over and over "Hi, who are you?"

Lea would be like "Lea, who are you?" He was like I'm AI109" Hes crazy and I love him. So an update to my book, 7,032 words, 3 chapters, kisses and a different language, that's right I'm adding in ITALIAN! So far I must say, IT ROCKS. Speaking of books and rocking, Breaking dawn comes out in SIX days in theaters, I'm counting down lol.

For all you twilight fans, go Jacob, he is SO much hotter lol.


I Love and miss you and talking to you in word pad today was awesome. I'm glad your okay and safe so far. Stay that way. Pay attention, do as you were taught, fight hard and love always, we're waiting for you're return.


Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today I have NO idea what to write about on my blog, still have romance on the mind. I'm writing a romance love story between a werewolf and a human. Speaking of werewolf and human the new Breaking Dawn part 1 comes out November 18th.

Last night I saw a preview for it, it ROCKED. Tomorrow is 11-11-11 and I cant WAIT until 11:11 pm tomorrow night, pm instead of am because I'll probably still be sleeping tomorrow morning. Tonight we ate steak and baked potato for dinner. I have done almost exactly 1000 words today in my book. Grandma bought Amanda and I life quest off of big fish. Well she bought it for Amanda but I asked if it would take up a lot of room on my flash drive and if not if I could have it. She told me it would be like nothing was even on it. She even checked the space on it.

Life quest is sort of like life the bored game and the Sims put together. Its really cool.
I made this one day thinking of dad and how glad I am that we met. The Fourth of July was an amazing day that will forever leave an awesome memory in my mind. I love my mom and dad so much and I know he will come home safe and sound and mom and dad will have a beautiful wedding and we will all live a happy normal (Or as normal as we can get).

Life is bumpy, we all know but we ALL can get through anything if we work together, love with all our might and just try.

.. , . ~ . ~ , ~ , ....
.. ).. - ~. . ' ..( .....just remember in the winter
. ( . . . ...(......) ....
..| . . . . . ).....| ....far beneath the bitter snow
..{.. . . . .(. . ./ .....
..... =(.. /.)= ........lies a seed & with the suns love
........ -;..;-' .........
..........)|( , ..........in the spring becomes
.......... || _.-'| ......
...........|| .._,/ ......the rose
...........|| .' ..........
...........||/ ............
...........|| .............Bette Midler


I love and miss you very much, we are all waiting on your safe return. Sleep well. P.S. its 9:32 Thursday night here. Love you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today has been long and tiring, nothing has really gone on, mom and us girls did school and most of the day I was writing my book. I now have 2,506 words. So far my main character Kathlyn and my supporting character Steve have gotten to know eachother again after Kathlyn moving from that town five years ago. Today Kat and her friend Steve got really close, they even kissed!

 That is my cover for now and the title is A Tennessee Love.

Steve is a werewolf and him and Kat have to overpower the villian also Kats friend Cloe. Cloe is a vampire trying to take over the world and destroy Steve and Kats relationship.

Enough about my book, Tonight will be a rather short night because my little sister monkey boo has to do her blog still. I wanted to tell dad a little about the book im writing. I'm trying to make sure he feels the most at home he can. Writing is my passion, I love doing it and wish that eventually I'll be good enough I can get publlished.

I'm getting my masters in writing in college, and ppossibly taking web design, heck I might even take photography. I'm seriously thinking about it. But anyway, enough for now.


I love and miss you and wish you were here to see my progress in my book. I know it will be printed before you get home so you'll be able to read it! Love you, stay safe.


Monday, November 7, 2011

A Love And A Loss

My mom and dad are true soul mates, they belong together and deserve the family and life they want. Today my mom lost my twin sisters or brothers. We are all upset, which is to be expected. I love her and want to comfert her but theres nothing we can say or do to change the fact she lost two amazing babies.

I love her so much and wish I could bring the babies back, but I cant.

My dad is our hero and we wish he could be home at this time but he cant. Mom found her true love and happiness July fourth, today will not change that love they have for eachother. Its just a bump in the road that they will overcome together. I will try to help her as much as I can.

Right now she needs time to herself, to think and cry. We are all here for her when she needs us.

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I love you mom, I'm here for you.


I love and miss you so much, we're thinking of you always, stay safe.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sour freaks

                                                         Dude this stuff is SOUR!

I take after my mom and grandpa I LOVE sour things. Sour skittles rock. Dont ask why I'm writing this, I'm eating my skittles and BAM I'm writing about them. I drink real lemon juice straight, I eat the powder from the sour skittles, them war heads aint nothin.

Nothing is really ever TOO sour for me. My mom is pretty much the same way, my grandpa too. We love sour but nothing is TOO sour for us, its pretty awesome. My sisters love sour skittles but would NEVER drink real lemon juice straight.

I used to freeze the juice and make ice out of them, then id put em in a bowl and salt them and eat em, no water or anything to cool off the sourness of it.

I'm not REALLY puckering in this picture, just acting silly for monkey boo. My family rocks, I love them SO much.

Everyone says I look A LOT like my dad and mom, see for yourself.
                                                 I do look like them dont I? It's awesome.


I love and miss you so very much. Stay as safe as you can while away. Pay attention to what needs to be done, and never forget we're waiting for you.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

A hero

There is a hero for everyone, my dad is my hero. He is an army dad, a cowboy dad, my hero.

So, I'm writing my book this month, I have less than a month to write a 25000 word book, should be easy I have 756 words right now. That's only about 4 pages in office. I miss my dad so much, I wish he was here to see my progress on my book.

Its been a couple weeks since I last blogged and I missed doing it. I was just so busy with school and getting ready to write my new novel I had no time for blog.
Last night I told my friends I would have to spend very little time with them on pogo, I'm addicted to that site and it was taking up my book time.

You never realize how much you miss someone until you look at their hat, or a video of them. Yesterday I saw one of dads hats he always wears, I broke down. Tonight I saw a video of him, I miss him so much.

Last night Lea found grandpas fart button. We all died, laughing and coughing LOL. Moms stomach is getting more visible by the day, its so cute! As soon as I have pics on my comp I'll show you and tell you about my trip to St Louis. It was cool.

I love my mom and dad so much, they mean the world to me, there is nothing I'd change about how we all are, except I'd bring dad home.


I love and miss you so much, we're awaiting your return. Stay safe and know I love you always!
