Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The REAL world.

Tonight's blog may be either short or long, depends on how much I want to ramble. Before I start I'd like to warn those of you who may not believe in the paranormal, you WON'T want to read this.

I will be talking tonight about several different things, just hang in with me.

Okay, to start out I'd like to talk about my mom and grandmas new organization for a second.

Well, we got our first donation with it being up only one day (This was a couple of days ago.) I was super happy to see it was one of my dear pogo friends that donated to our organization for the troops. So, even though she doesn't have my blog address, THANK YOU Connie!!!

Now, The REAL world. Many of you may disagree but, spirits ARE real, when we die, sometimes our spirits are left on earth to do whatever unfinished business we had left to do.

It could be many of things our spirits felt they had left to do, maybe we were murdered? Well our spirit may feel the need to try an talk to someone, or show someone HOW we died. Maybe right before we died we told our family member we hated their guts? Well, we may feel the need as a spirit to show our family member that, we really love them and we were simply angry at that moment.

My grandma will not like this post, but I'm simply speaking as to HOW I believe, not everybody is Jehovah. Simple as that.

I know the life of living with the dead, I have done it for many of years, many of you won't believe this, most of you may think I'm crazy, I'm not. I will NOT name who I know, but someone in my family is actually a medium, actually I believe everyone is, we just learn to tune it out, act as if its simply not even there.

I am a writer, I could write about paranormal very well, I have lived with the outcome for a long period. I choose however, to write about love, love beats all. I want to bring joy to as many as I can, I know that by writing paranormal many wouldn't read my books. I praise Stephan King for writing how he does. Stephanie Myers, my mom and Stephan King are WHY I decided to write.

One of my pogo friends claim to live, and love a ghost. It IS possible, some days I don't know if shes pulling my foot or telling me the truth, I know ghosts are real, I know people can see and hear them, I know if you knew the person before they died (Which she did) You can love them even as a spirit. It seems a lot like a fairytale story sometimes.

Just because we don't see it for our selves doesn't mean its not real. I had witnessed some paranormal activities my self, I have seen things, Then I wasn't sure if it was my eyes playing tricks on me or if I was seeing what I THOUGHT I was seeing, Now I know however, when I saw a shadow that had NO way of being mine, or anybody else's it was the oh so friendly spirits I used to live with.

This post is already a very long one.


I love and miss you, I'm glad you believe what mom has told you about past houses and dreams and so on. Stay safe my true hero. Stay warm and know I'm waiting for you to come home with open arms.


  1. Faith you are so right everyone in the family can, Not grandma and grandpa, they will not like your post but you are true in everything you say.

  2. Thanks Lea. I know they won't like it, I write how I believe and I could care less WHAT people think, I HAVE to write whats in my head or it wont GO AWAY! The writer in me is stubborn lol.

  3. Everyone believe what they believe girls, you can't change their minds just as they can't change yours. We all have our own beliefs. That's what makes the world such a wonderful place.

    Be kind no matter what you believe. Kindness and love make the world revolve.


  4. I love them with all my heart, I'm glad we're all different. I am kind, I know they dont believe and thats fine, I had to write this blog because it wouldnt go away in my mind lol
